Saturday, November 13, 2010

AutoCAD for Mac Review

i'M in the midst of doing my final year project so you can see i have neglected my kopi korner for such a long time.

The Mac version of AutoCAD came out for like a month plus and i've been struggling between the two OS to use.
To share the agony of using the mac OS CAD, here's a list of commands and stuff you used to do on Windows platform AutoCAD and not present in the Mac version. Its in the midst of developing so we can't complain much but to feedback to Autodesk.

*list still in progress*

However, here's AUtodesk disclaimer on wad they missed out

Paste as Block

There's no option in the clipboard for this command.


Maxim_K gave a great solution

After pasting the items you wan into the file, WBLOCK the items

To me, this is a freaking important command when u got hundreds of layers to filter and text to select. For the moment, no solution.

Edit Block in place

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