Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Things to be done

Have been very busy to care about myself.... I realise there's a long list of things to be done

Currently i have to do = Spend time with my buddy 红豆奶。 He flying off soon le.

Then here's the list....

1. A treat of B n J from Vincent cuz i taught him how to resurrect his mp3 player
2. Finish reading up my magazines
3. Make more ear rings to sell
4. Pack my room
5. Organise my wardrobe
6. Sell away unwanted stuff and clothes
7. Reformat my computer
8. Take photographs of National Stadium before it got tore down
9. Throw away more things
10. Tidy my cd collection and find my BLUR cd.
11. Throw more things
12. Sell more unwanted things
13. Take more photos
14. Clear my shelves
15. Visit MOS to club.
16. Try more food n take foto
17. ___________ (to be added on)

More to come. Heh heh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested